Thanks for visiting to get your complimentary sample page before you buy one of my printable products. One of the things that can be tricky about buying a printable is that different monitors display colors differently, but also your home printer may interpret color information differently than another home printer (even professional print shops will vary). But I want you to buy with confidence and know that the colors/quality are going to be exactly what you want.
So I put together a sample page of all of the graphics and colors currently in my shop. This page will be updated whenever I add something new or retire a product, so check back if you purchase from me again. (And thank you. Seriously.)
You can get to the sample page by clicking the picture below to open it right away. Or you can download it by right-clicking and choosing “Save Link As” (your wording might vary slightly based on your operating system) and saving it on your computer. You can print it right away, print it later, or even email the file to a print shop for a test print if you are not printing from home.
Take a look at the results. Do you like the colors? Like how your printer handled the graphics? Great! Now get on back to my shop and get your awesome printables, knowing that you’re going to love the way they look!