Corporate Sponsor Prospectus

The American College of Medical Quality wanted a more sophisticated and attractive package to send to potential sponsors of a national conference for medical professionals. Their existing print materials did not help them to stand out in a crowded marketplace of associations asking for funding.
Working with their existing content, I created a more appealing prospectus that visually highlights the diversity of attendees and variety of activities that take place at the conference. The page layout guides the reader through, organizing the information logically and professionally. The client moved from print materials to digital distribution, which saved them money on print and postage fees. Digital distribution created an opportunity for interactivity in the document through direct hyperlinks and a table of contents. Additionally, I developed a digital form for sponsors to enter their information and email back without needing to print, sign, and scan or mail the document. Digital forms can remove a barrier to participation by streamlining the process as much as possible for potential sponsors.

Project Details
Client American College of Medical Quality
Project Document design for 11-page corporate sponsor prospectus designed to attract sponsors to fund a national conference.
Elements Electronic document with interactivity and fillable fields, table of contents, graph design