Interactivity Planning Consultation

Your action plan for delivering an engaging, delightful experience to your customers
Book Your Session

You’ve written quite a bit of material for your workbook and know you’re interested in interactivity to help you stand out with a unique value proposition that accelerates your customers’ learning. Interactive elements can guide your users through a process one step at a time, simplify tasks to remove barriers to action, and create flexible, reusable tools that keep your customers opening your PDF again and again.

But…actually how and when to deploy interactivity in your content is a bit beyond you still.


Interactivity is a big, exciting opportunity.
To harness the technology, you need a little guidance.

I’ve got you.
We can work through it together.

When you book an interactivity planning session with me, we’ll spend up to 90 minutes on a live call going through representative sections of your content (it doesn’t need to beĀ finalĀ final, but about 80% finished or more is ideal).

During the call, you will walk me through the materials, focusing on exercises your students will complete. I will make recommendations as I identify unique opportunities to incorporate interactivity in a way that will support and expand the learning potential of your students or customers.

What you get from a consultation

  • 90 minute video call to go over specific exercises or tools in your content
  • Written report covering suggestions on which types of interactivity are a good fit for your unique content
  • Page architecture cheat sheet showing features you can incorporate into your content to reinforce messaging or guide readers
  • Link to the recording so you can review the discussion while you finish structuring your content

I went into our call knowing that I wanted to harness the magic of an interactive workbook, but clueless as to how it could actually work to make sure said workbook helped my clients achieve their results with as much fun and ease as possible.

Now, going into the stage of ‘finishing putting workbook together’ so it’s ready to be ‘interactivity-ified’, I’m SO GLORIOUSLY CLEAR on how to structure my workbook to get the most of the interactivity for *my* unique offer.

This is gonna make putting together the final draft of the workbook a breeze, and make the final product as effective as possible. It’s gonna live next to my computer and be dog-eared by the time I’m done!

Miish Grixti

Sales Page Brilliance

We may not go through your content page by page, but by focusing on the tools and exercises that will best serve your students, you can extrapolate my suggestions to other portions of your workbook or course materials.

After the discussion, you’ll receive both a link to the video as well as a written report on the opportunities we discussed. You will also receive some valuable suggestions for how to prep your content to be designed with tips on page architecture features that will enhance your workbook by focusing attention on specific key messaging.

We’ll discuss possibilities that may help you rethink structure of your written content. This process helps your workbook project run more smoothly in the future, saving you from out-of-scope changes to material once you start to see the possibilities. And all of this for only $500.

Who is this for?

Anyone putting together a workbook or PDF materials that has content mostly written and is interested in incorporating interactive features.

This is an action plan for finishing your content with interactivity in mind.

Ready to roadmap your interactivity?

It was so cool that I had an idea of what I wanted the PDF to do and you brought it to life – even though you weren’t sure it was possible! I LOVE getting customer feedback on the functionality too – I feel like it’s changed the way a lot of people think about PDFs as a format. It makes DOING the thing so goddamn easy (and therefore makes THEM far more likely to take action!)

I’ve never seen a PDF do what the Sidekick does – and a lot of my customers haven’t either! It feels like it broke new ground, and that’s pretty bloody cool. I had a vision, you had the skills, and the rest is history!

Kirsty Fanton

Social Proof Sidekick

Why Me?

I have been designing documents for nearly 2 decades and have an enormous amount of experience under my belt. In designing registration forms with boring standard form fields, I accidentally discovered a trick where form fields would copy contents to any other field with the same name. Thus the concept of “transfer fields” was born.

After this happy accident, I got very curious about the capabilities of form fields and buttons in a PDF. I had some kickass clients take some chances on letting me noodle through possibilities on their projects and quickly built up an entire library of nifty PDF tricks.

I get *extremely* nerdy about the coding that goes into these fields (I also taught myself BASIC from a library book when I was 11) and love challenges. I also make sure the fields fit beautifully in with the design of the document, no default formatting here!

I’ve been incorporating interactivity in PDFs for the past few years and am always looking for new opportunities to help my clients stand out from the crowd with a truly unique product that becomes a powerful tool for their customers and students.

I cannot wait to hear what you’re working on and look forward to bringing it to life with you!

Interactivity seemed like a great add on [to my course] that would actually get people to USE the material. I thought it would make a higher end product that delivered more value. People remember what they work with and this encourages them to get hands-on b/c it’s kind of fun as opposed to work.

[Our project] opened my mind and I saw there was a great tool available to make learning easier – and I knew nothing about it at the time.

Amy Posner

No Sweat Sales Calls

Let’s make your workbook come alive!

Not at the written content stage yet?

I am always available for a free 30-minute discovery call so we can discuss if your ideas would make a good workbook!

Need help writing?

If you’ve got a dump truck of knowledge but get tripped up on actually writing the workbook content, I highly recommend Jennifer Duann Fultz who is a genius at structuring content in a way that supports learning (former teacher, y’all) as well as writing the workbook copy.